Operation: Exit Facebook

3 Iyar 5779

Why are people crying over the censorship of Alex Jones from Info Wars? FACT: People have no freedom of speech on someone else's property. Americans are used to being able to say what they want because of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, but the founding documents are prohibitions against the government, not private companies. People do not have the right to say what they want in your house, right? If an atheist came into your home yelling about his right to have sex with another man in front of your children, you might want to kick his smelly behind out the door, right? Companies have a right to refuse service, right? Bake your own cake, right? What makes you think you can come in the neighbors place of business and say what you want to say? Pro tip: Website owners can block you from twittering on their platform. Program owners can block mentally stable people, gays, blacks, whites, people who tell the truth, people who lie, etc. Owners can say breastfeeding is obscene and not obscene. Knowing the law is important. Make a note! The freedom of speech of a newspaper owner means they can block you from publishing on their dime.

Mark Zuckerberg can block the entire world if he wants for whatever reason he wants. The current CEO of Facebook is one of the richest persons in the world because he has tricked rummies into logging on to his measly software. Zuckerberg is known by many old school designers as Zucc for many reasons, including, without limitation, his philosophy sucks. He is just another rich godless monster who is using your need for his services to cripple your family. His mother is a shrink, his father is one of many German Jews that hate G-d's law, and his sisters are man haters that write kooky books that no one reads. They are all from New York City, and they all went to fancy schools and got everything handed to them their entire lives. These n00bs have no idea what it's like to come up from the bottom so why is it such a mystery that Zucc hates hard-working Americans? Zucc owes his claim to fame because he profited off web design after Saudi Arabia attacked the USA. Instead of circulating petitions that amount to zero, why not make your own pepsi website to compete with the Zucc coke? Wayback machine me. My wife and I were in this game with millions of unique hits a decade before these clowns came to town.

Those of you who were stacking cheddar from the interwebs back in 1999 will remember that after those skyscrapers were destroyed in New York City, President Bush Jr. shut down all American airports. Why did he do that? That was the end of the party for us. Stopping the travel of the original Internet entrepreneurs in commonly referred to as the dot com bust. Please do NOT let your children grow up thinking that Zucc was an Internet pioneer. Zucc is not the only mega-rich Johnny-come-lately to the Internet. The scrubs who started Amazon and Twitter were not Internet pioneers either. These programmers who sold out to the spook factories that sprung up after the mass destruction in 2001 are nothing more than economic posers who want to trick you into crying out for regulation of the Internet. Please pay attention to the rest of the story lest your children lose their ability to do exactly what I did, which is become economically stable via the Internet.

While your dear brother was homeless and offline, the password for his sites was cracked. See a site I created for my oldest daughter [here] and one I designed for my wife [here]. It may appear to you that this "hacker" is of the Muslim faith, but you would be wrong to confuse one of these false flaggers for a devout G-d fearing son of Ishmael who loves G-d and keeps his commands. This kid is not look like your typical devout follower of Islam. How do I know? Check out his photoshop skills in the images he left on my servers [here] and [here]. He may have been tricked by Moosad ops into thinking his cause is for Allah, but he was trained by the same socialist Nazi-loving homosexual atheist pretenders that sit on the throne of the British Empire. History will confirm that the whore that sits on Jacob's Pillar worked with Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Germany, and China to cripple the American economy by co-opting our political system through lightweight hackers, and these punks are still on the battlefield with their lame tools. Make your passwords strong and change them every year.

These kids are Hessian franchises that immigrate around the world to colonize on behalf of international banksters. Their game is taxation. These banking elites are pissed off that we, the People of the USA invented the Internet as we know it today because we created a money machine. How did he "hack" me? I have no exact knowledge of the games silly kids play, but will guess that he used a simple program that tries endless passwords to open Internet accounts in order to leave his garbage on servers. I was not able to update my sites over the last decade due to my need to focus on other important issues. The failure to defend America by President Bush Jr., another Hessian franchise caused our economy to shut down. I lost my data because I did not change my password for over ten years and what were they able to do? Erase my online files and upload some of their Nazi crap. Now, I am happy to report that your brother's FTP is popping like corn. What?

Zucc is currently begging the US Govt. to regulate the Internet. He is on a world tour to convince everyone that he needs rules. Why are so many rich people begging governments to regulate them? Doesn't that seem odd? Pay attention. These power hungry psychos know that they will have the most money to influence legislatures through lobbying in order to make their products the newest utility. Who will write these laws that propose to regulate the Zucc programming? Zucc. It's that simple. The ones calling for higher taxes will not be the ones paying the bill. Who have they all made privacy deals with? China. I don't want a Chinese economy. Our financial ability will be hamstrung by regulation. Do you love paying your light bill? Are you interested in alternative power? What about that water bill? Loving that one, too? No fresh well water available in that little lot you live on? Do you want to add a social media bill added to your mail box? That is what will happen if you support Internet regulation.

Don't want your children to be exposed to hate and porn? Then teach your children to go to sites that don't have hate and porn. Why are people so lazy that they will follow the masses right off the cliff? Regulating the Internet causes poverty. Why not just build a website? It's not hard! Want to be a slave? Want someone to make sure you are not able to read certain material? Want to make sure no one can make lots of money? Want someone to force their health choices on you? Want someone to tell you how many babies you can have? That is not a utopia. That is a prison. I have some news you can use. Take it from me. There is no better environment than a free market economy for your family to make a living.

Thank G-d for President Trump! Thanks to our new Commander in Chief, the economy is back on, baby! Your brother has stacked his cards in a new tower and plugged in. Zucc married in to this commie network and every time we log into his programs, he collects our information and uses it to pimp us out. If I post another long message to the Zucc website, my name is Willy Lumplump. The Internet is not controlled by Zucc. The solution to censorship is taking your time and money and moving on down the Internet highway. I invite you follow me as we all exit Facebook, and I will show you how to not only design your own site, but also, how to help your friends come on in out of the rain and see what you are broadcasting. I look forward to teaching you more. Stay tuned to hendersonsignal.com.