Abortion is NOT Murder

19 Iyar 5779

I am a G-d fearing man. I am against abortion. I teach my family that abortion is wrong. I would like to see an end to all abortions, and I would like to help in any way I can to stop them, but the issue of personal privacy becomes complicated when we allow the government involvement. We have to be careful when we use the government to attack our neighbor's personal family medical choices because the law is a double edged sword. Government is notorious for being a dangerous servant, and a fearful master. Forcing my personal understanding and morality on my neighbor at the end of a rifle is not something I would want my neighbor to do to me. Before we call the law to force a woman to carry her child to birth, we should consider the issue logically.

Some people use words interchangeably that are not equal in definition. When you follow the rules of logic, it is easier to make sense of an emotional topic like abortion. Since murder is a legal term of art, we are forced to take a scholarly approach to the accusation. The common law definition of murder is the unlawful killing of another human being. In order to accuse someone of murder, you need to prove that they unlawfully killed another human being. Let's take a closer look at these three elements that define murder to avoid posing daft comments to our social media accounts. To begin our legal education we need to first use common sense. Everyone who understands basic biology can successfully argue that abortion is killing. A gift from G-d was alive before the abortion and after the abortion that life is extinguished. Abortion is killing because it takes life. Because abortion is killing, it meets the first element of murder.

Everyone who is up to date on current events should know that abortion is lawful. Arising under the Supreme Court of the United States rulings of Roe v. Wade and Casey v. Planned Parenthood, abortion has been legal for women almost 50 years. Since abortion is legal, it does not meet the elements of the legal term of art "murder". As long as abortion is legal, it is not murder. People would look intelligent to point out that it is impossible for abortion to be murder when abortion is legal. Murder is a legal term! Murder has elements. Your opponent with attempt this straw man argument: "Abortion kills the baby, so its murder!" Newsflash: Did you know that some killing is legal? Killing during war is legal, right? Fact: It would have not been murder if my grandfather got a chance to personally shoot Hitler. Pro tip: It is legal to kill a man who is trying to kill you. That is called self-defense. It is legal to kill a fly. It is legal to kill many things in many different situations. I will teach you the formal logical system to organize legal terms used for the analysis of deduction. Semantics: All murder is killing but that not all killing is murder.

Even if the SCOTUS ruled tomorrow that abortion is illegal, it still would not be murder because it doesn't meet the third element either. In order to have murder the unlawful killing must be of another human being. If you ever took the time to read the legal decisions mentioned above, you would know that this is the reasoning used by our courts. At the early stages of pregnancy, the life of the baby is not independent of the mother. It is necessary for the mother to give up her life in order to support the life of the baby. The baby is not legally alive because the poor thing can't survive without the mother. The USA is not a religious community. We have no right to force our beliefs on to others. Our law is based in reality, not spirituality. The law is unable to recognize the life of the baby as long as the baby is unable to sustain itself. An unborn baby in the first few months of life is legally NOT "another human being". Until the baby is able to live on its own, the baby is not "alive". Killing a baby is not murder if legally the baby is not "living".

Be compassionate with the retards on tweeter. They have at best an eighth grade education. Many do not even know that there is a difference between criminal and civil wrongs. It is difficult for us to accuse someone of a crime compared to making a claim against them in a civil court. Take OJ Simpson for example. It was hell trying to prove that the Juice murdered Nicole. May God bless Judge Alito for the great work he did to make sure that OJ got the most fair trial possible. The criminal evidence showed that someone unlawfully killed the wife of OJ Simpson, but because the police jumped the fence before they got a warrant, the jury correctly found that OJ did not "murder" his wife. In CIVIL court OJ lost because the elements are different. Elements matter. Emotions blow in and out like the wind. If you use logic and don't fall for emotional arguments, you are able to more easily convince people of the truth. Let's all correctly use the term of art. Abortion is NOT murder because the action does not meet the legal elements.

Posted by Jeffrey Pierce on 10 Iyar 5779