News You Can Use

28 Iyar 5779

Why does Microsoft not preset for font size 13? Verify. Open Word and write something. Click the arrow to switch font size and you will see 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14? What happened to 13? If it doesn't matter, then why does it matter? Did you know that in order to petition the Supreme Court of the United States that you have to use font size 13? Did you know that they require documents printed in Century font? Did you know that sending something registered mail has a significant legal meaning?

Must use blue or black ink? What about green? What does a red stamp mean? Since it matters then why not tell us why it matters? Did you know that there is a legal reason for Americans using red ink that goes back hundreds of years? Did you know that the use of blue and black ink goes back thousands of years? When you use the blue ink pen to sign something, did you know that you are signaling to the banker a financial message?

Access to this legal and financial knowledge should be available to all children! Why are we allowing our enemy to teach our kids hogwash? Should the local fatherless gym teachers be talking to our babies about sex? Are you aware that there is a birth rate monitoring program in every country on the planet? Why is it important to the government that they know the number of poor children in the country? Are you aware that intelligence levels are heavily monitored by certain groups? Why? Tell me. Why don't many people know these simple facts? Could it be that people are not taught common sense?

My juris doctorate courses came from an ABA approved law school. I have had some great legal professors. I have went on to a Master of Laws program at the top university in my specific field, which is intellectual property. I have some advanced knowledge on topics like bitcoin, gaming, and the dark web. I am an Orthodox Jew, and like my ancestors before me I am a California Freemason. There is no path I have not weighed and measured. For personal protection from the government, I became an expert in dependency law, legal procedure, and political sovereignty. I worked for both sides of the debate on illegal immigration. I worked on the argument that won illegal immigrants the rights to not be separated from their parents. Did you know that the original decision to treat illegal immigrants with the most repect was written by Justice Scalia? See Reno v. Flores (1993) 507 U.S. 292. I have continued to fight for families to be allowed to stay together when they are detained for any reason because your brother loves family. Why? I firmly believe that no matter what the circumstances, a child should never be removed from the custody and care of a natural born family.

If you are reading this you are considered my family. Almost no one knows about this page at this time. I get less than a 100 unique hits per week. I have only close friends on tuned into this signal. I know everyone who comes to my website. I can show you the stats. I have 15 more websites ready to go active. The CEO of Facebook Mark Suckerberg is a loser. He tried to make a deal with the CIA to control the thoughts of Americans and he turned traitor with China. He was wrong, but how can you blame him? He is a Star Wars Jew who abandoned God for science fiction. Facebook used the Torah code of community to make money to fund abortion clinics. Mark Suckerberg is a traitor to humanity and like all other beasts of history, the ginger nerd will go down.

I said all this to let you know I got you. Mi familia esta primo! Family is the only natural unit that is a threat to the government, which is why the government pushes wives to hate husbands; husbands to hate children; children to hate parents, and families to send grandma off to the poor house to slowly die of loneliness. There is no continent I have not traveled, no system of understanding that I have not considered, and no people I have not met and loved. Americans have reached an exit point in the currently cycle of propaganda, and I am here to help. I put my trust in G-d. the Creator of the Universe, and I offer understanding to you. Time to spill the beans. I have picked up some information that you may have not discovered for yourself. I have some news you can use.