Prayer is Sacrifice
At one time, God's people would come to the altar with their sacrifices, and the priests would say the prayers with them. A good way to think of the daily sacrifices of long ago is to understand what it's like to go to a family barbeque. The priests would take your offering and throw it on the grill. Today most pay tithe with cash, but back in the day, the sacrifice to G-d was the meal of the priests. Pastors who dedicate their lives to serving God have a claim to the tithe that is commanded by God. The offerings were how God's preachers ate. It is like having the rabbi over for dinner. Today, we still follow G-d's commands, like honoring our mother your father. Since the Temple is down, we are not able to bring the sacrifice, but we can still say the prayers! Allow me to teach you your first one.
Warning: Liars try to trick us into babbling meaningless prayer. God tells us repeatedly and specifically that he will bless with property if we follow His law. A mealy-mouthed child molesting homo from a strange land is a false prophet if he tells you that God does not expect you to sanctify yourself by your actions in order to show your respect for the Most High. In order to prepare ourselves for his presence, we must learn by the numbers. God commands us to be Holy, as He is Holy. We have to train ourselves to acknowledge God, and the most effective way is repeating the truths that are in prayer. Anyone who says that everlasting life comes from faith without works is a liar, and the truth is not in him. Hit that snake in the head with a rock. If the neighbors take his side, then shake the dust of that community off your kilt and twist your hind quarter towards the exit. God expects us to live a life of truth. Give those false prophets the hand. Say to them: Back off, Jack! As for me and my family? We will serve the Lord.
People ask me why I pray. Many tell me it is so hard! They offer evidence why I am wasting my time. They point out the fact that my God does not answer me. It is very hard for me to explain to someone why I regularly talk to a ghost. I have to laugh a bit because it is absurd to think that the world created itself. There is no evidence of spontaneous generation, but there are many kooky klowns who somehow believe that life is meaningless. How can I explain to these science fiction worshipers that all I need to hear from God is written in a book? The best argument I can give them is explaining the benefit that I obtain when I pray. By repeating Holy Truth, I code into my noggin with the deep understanding of the hidden mysteries that come from the Master of the Universe. For example, my God has no equal. He never sleeps. When I wake up in the morning, I impregnate my mind with the knowledge that my soul has reentered its battle tank. When I thank God for waking me, I am boot strapping basic information I need to fight evil one more day.
I have given the words below as a guide to memorizing your first prayer. Your brother has done the research. These words below come from 5779 years of knowledge and understanding. Your children will never stray from the blessings of G-d if you teach them the habit to sing to God as soon as they open their eyes in the morning. Teach them the words. Repetitious prayer reminds us of G-d's love in times of trouble. The first prayer you will learn from me is the Modeh Ani. In Hebrew it means "I offer thanks to You". People who love and fear God say it as soon as they realize that they are awake in the morning. Memorize it. When you say it, mean it. Hebrew is the most ancient language on the planet, and it's the most powerful for prayer, but our ancient sages teach that we should FIRST learn to pray in our native tongue so that when we do upgrade to the magic language, our mind is in tune with the Boss. I have submitted both the English and the transliterated Hebrew below:
Modeh ani lay finay khah melek kai vikighum shay hay kay zar tybee nishmah tee beh kemlah rabah emunna tay khah.
There is a video of the Modeh Ani for your babies to sing along to here: