We Can Impeach Pelosi

15 Sivan 5779

Your brother has good news! You need not fret about our champion, President of the United States of America Donald J. Trump. You heard it here first. We, the People of the USA, as the de jure authority of the USA have the sovereign power to elect representatives to the US Congress and thereby evict Speaker Pelosi from her perch on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. No matter what we keep busy with the rest of this year, we have to show our support for the home team. Buy American, fly the flags of rebelion, and walk the line to victory. No matter how you feel about yourself, together there is no other people stronger, smarter, more armed, and richer than us on the planet. United, Americans are unstopable.

Fact: Americans indirectly control the Speaker of the House of Representatives. We vote for the people who choose her. She is required to gather a certain number of votes to impeach the President of the United States of America, but her drug addicted mumbling narrow ass should have probable cause prior to stressing out our duly elected leader, amirite? To begin the process of removing our president, chicken head nazi needed x votes. Samsies with da baus. We, the People, of the USA need only those same amount of votes to have Pelosi removed from office. Let's come in quick in for a huddle, patriots. Impeach Pelosi on one. Ready? Break!

I am confused because no one is talking about what is possible. Why don't these kids understand that we can flip the Congress to do exactly what we know in our soul is the correct action? Everyone is talking about the impossible. Pro tip: Trump will NEVER be removed from office because patriots control the US Senate. Not only do we control the Senate, but thanks to Field Marshal Steve Bannon, our most honorable patriots are under cover pretending to fight with Trump in order to catch the commies slipping! You see, in order to play the Great Game, you have got to read the text books. See Art of War, by Sun Tzu.

Fact: The progressives led by Pelosi have no chance in hell of being able to impeach our POTUS. These morons on the talkie box keep the message focused on the removal of our leader from his duly elected position, and we fail to ask why. Why does the talkie box keep reporting that our president is in trouble when he is in NO danger of losing his position and all respectable polls show him winning in a landslide in 2020? The confused need to learn militech strategy. General Sun Tzu said in his ancient scroll, "Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak." This is a great general rule to catch an enemy off balance if you are playing a zero sum game, but the Great American Experiment aint no video game. The democrats are trying to skate away by reading the cliff notes. You need to know who is in control of the Democratic Party, the political child of Thomas Jefferson. Pro tip: The CIA murdered JFK and gave control to the most nasty scum baggery on the planet, LBJ and Co. Should patriots worry? Hell to the naw. We are waking up at record speed, and we are surely coming online to learn from the data. Even if your neighbor is working too hard to help out with the effort, maybe he will buy a hat.

How can we win? The American commercial business market is expandable to the ends of the universe, and thank God Trump understands this basic fact, and thank God he has a legit education in how our country works. When the Zero Sum aspect of the game goes away, as in open systems, hiding information is always bad. Appearing strong when you are weak is the downward spiral to nothingness. The Democrats are about to be routed because patriots realize how they are pretending to love peace while using the CIA to overthrow governments. Their next target is Iran. The best part is that we don't have to do much because reading is not the favorite pastime of the progressive feminist Nazis, anarchist queers, godless bastards, and other miscellaneous collectivist scumbags. Although I really like the name tankie, because these control freaks in my lifetime always roll in with their tanks, from now on, let us agree to call these people by one term: COMMIE. Commies are easily defeated by the open market, so let's go out and mob up with the homies to open up the liberty store for business.

This election season is coming up fast. Let those of us who love the heat of battle do away with the childish games of football. Let's take to the block, and fight for freedom by getting the word out. Let us trade playing cards of the pope, the queen and their bankers as we immerse ourselves in the statistics needed to win the animated contest for freedom against them. Let us huddle up on the corner and discuss how our senators have fared politically in this past term. Did they do their job? Then work with them. If no, then let's root them out! Let us talk with our neighbors, and offer our help so that we might be able to influence their decision to not only steam roll for our commander in chief, Donald J. Trump, but let us speak of the work of our local man. If nothing can be said of the name on the ballot, then let us run for office. We are responsible to God for the man we put in office, and we need to do all we can to make sure the office holder does good in the eyes of God.