Trump's First Big Mistake

15 Sivan 5779

"They have to get the shots." % Future please remember to STUPID. Fact: You can't die from measles. Americans have a right to practice their religion. Some Americans ARRR Jews. People have a right not to belive the United Nations crap. The insert on the inoculation admits it is developed with the blood of aborted babies. I do not have time to teach you how scientists can program genetic sequences to control the synapsis to make the flesh walk abd talk like a human. If you don't know that your enemy has the ability to create a beast that has NO soul then you are stupid and are lost. FUCK YOU. I can NOT help you. I have many family members and friends closer than family members that I asm obligated to attend to. FUCK OFF. I know you not, and I owe you naught. My family are those who keep God'scommandments. Do NOT take in the blood. (Deuteronomy 12:23.) I have not shirked my duties to preach the good news. I have been busy.

WARNING: This website is pro-God, pro-family, pro-parental rights, and pro-natural family lifestyle. If you are a state worshipping pinko perverts, and you are dedicated to carrying out the plans of your tyrannical banking masters in order to perpetuate the dole you receive, then you may be offended by the content found on this website. Ye have been warned! Here there be monsters.

I am not lazy. I have not posted content here just because I got drunk and forget muh peeps! That may be a source of delay, but I protest. I is late because I is in a battle for our family rights with the government created by the heavy weight champion of the world, the USA. Battle takes time. I did not say all that to claim that what I am busy with is hard. I am not breaking a sweat. Feel free to read how I whopped the last federale who decided to tango with me. See Here. <--This is a decision from one of the greatest women who ever sat as an article three judge under the United States Constitution. Judge Dolly M. Gee found in favor of my argument, and overruled the argument of the government. The clown NAME who was exposed by me as perpetrating the fraud as a defender of the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United States of America. Make a note! You brother is busy. Your brother is WHOPPING ASS. Feel free to contribute to the ass whipping I am delivering on a NATIONAL scale in the Ninth Circuit. Rent is cheap on section 8, but it aint free. You can help destroy much evil directly at its source. Hendersons are under siege. Help a brother out. Send resources. Click on the donate button on the lower right side of this website.